LIFE Business Compensation Plan

The other night, as I spoke at the LIFE meeting, I had a lot of thoughts running through my mind.  I kicked off the evening with a success talk on the “Attributes of a Leader” and then after a short break proudly shared the LIFE opportunity with everyone in the room. As I stood in front of the crowd I felt both excited and honored to share the LIFE compensation plan. I can reflect back over the past 18 years and how I started my own business journey in a similar fashion sitting in a hotel conference room.  I remember hoping that what the speaker said was true and dreaming of my freedom.

Today I have the blessing and opportunity to play a role ensuring that everyone sitting in those seats is presented with a world-class LIFE business plan.  Few people understand what they are seeing the first night and it will take months before they fully grasp the big picture; however, I feel as leaders, we have an obligation to make sure that they start in a business that is beneficial for them, regardless of whether they understand all the reason why at first.

When I started in community building, it was with a company called Amway.  Although I felt the product pricing and the work to reward ratios were extremely high, I dreamed and work hard enough to overcome these issues and succeed anyway. I am thankful my sponsor had a big dream too, because he travelled across Canada numerous times to help me reach my goals. Why did I decide to build Amway you ask? Strictly speaking, because no one showed me anything else and I felt that I had nothing to lose and much to gain by giving it my best. Through the many struggles and tons of personal growth, I moved through the ranks and achieved the Diamond level. Indeed, I maintained this level until the day I resigned from Amway.

With 14 years experience in Amway and having achieved one of the highest levels of success in all of Canada, I understand the compensation plan extremely well and am qualified to share on the subject. Recently, a few of the Amway drones criticized the LIFE compensation plan, even though they have never been involved in LIFE or had any level of success in Amway. Nevertheless, it is because of their ignorant chirping that I resolved to compare the compensation plans of both companies in a head to head analysis. Furthermore, since I was a large business owner in Amway and am a large business owner in LIFE, I am uniquely qualified to perform this comparison and share my real life experiences with both compensation plans with the readers.

Just a cursory glance at the bonus schedules displays that LIFE’s plan compensates double what Amway’s does! Not to mention that the Amway percentages are not as they seem. Let me explain.  LIFE has a very favorable point to dollar ratio; to earn 100 points it’s no more then $140 of business.  In contrast, Amway’s ratio is 1pv to 2.90bv. In addition, depending on what kind of product you’re buying, the actual cash ratio can be much higher still. I had to purchase between $400 to $600 to earn a 100 points; meanwhile, in LIFE, I receive 100 points with $140 or less. This is a significant difference when starting a business!

Here is a comparison of the bonus schedule:




Total PV

Performance Bonus

Total PV

Performance Bonus







































Ok, Ok, you might be thinking to yourself, it’s extremely obvious that LIFE pays better than Amway in a head to head comparison. You might also be thinking, please Claude move on, you’ve made your point! In fact, as I did this analysis it makes me wonder why an Amway failure drone would want to open this subject up by criticizing the LIFE plan in the first place? Since it is so much better than what he allegedly failed in, why criticize such drastic improvement? However, since the Amway drones brought it up, I am going to put the issue to rest factually. Let’s examine how this affects the numbers.  In Amway, when you hit the top of the chart (7500pv x 2.9 ratio) its approximately 21,750 bv.  At 25% of BV, that means approximately $5,437 gets paid back to the organization. But here’s the kicker! The organization has to do approximately $30k of business to pay back $5,437! On the other hand, in Life, 15,000 points is the top of the chart and pays 50% for a total of $7,500 being paid back, but even that’s not the whole picture! To get to the top of the chart within LIFE takes 15,000 points or approximately 21k of business. Therefore, if we compared apples to apples, an Amway and LIFE organization that both did 30k of business would pay back $5,437 for Amway and $11,000 for LIFE.

The main purpose of a leader is to build other leaders.  Producing world-class leaders that have the ability to change the world for the better is one of the goals of the LIFE opportunity.  Let’s compare how well each company rewards its leaders for building other leaders in depth. When you break a leg over the top of the chart and help those leaders break leaders over the top of the chart, how are you compensated in each company?

Depth Bonus



Break a leg at top of chart


4 %

3 legs



6 leg



9 legs



12 legs



15 legs



18 legs



Personally, I would prefer to move on from my Amway days. I am focused on taking LIFE to millions of people working with Orrin Woodward; however, after hearing about the cheap-shots taken by unqualified examiners at the LIFE compensation plan, I decided to set the record straight.  The funny thing about this analysis is that I didn’t even get into the value of the free trips or the One-Time-Cash-Awards (OTCA’s)!  I literally could have taken another 6 hours and examined every bonus each company has, including the free trips, pin bonuses, and growth bonuses, but here is the bottom line: Amway pays out about 35% of BV while LIFE pays out 70% of PV.  Nuff said. Any Amway drone can spew endlessly on compensation plan minutiae but is simply won’t change the fundamental analysis presented above. If anything, the results will fall further in LIFE’s favor.

I love the fact that in North America we have a free market place and can succeed or fail based on the merits of our effort and enterprise. I have focused on competing in that marketplace, building what I feel is the best business opportunity in the world. It makes me wonder though, when there is such a clear contrast between the two compensation plans, why would an alleged former Amway person single out the LIFE compensation plan when it’s the most lucrative in the entire industry?

Perhaps the Amway drones real purpose is less about sharing truth and more about attacking a growing competitor who has changing the rules of the game. LIFE has no interest in smearing competitors to get ahead; rather, the founders of LIFE have chosen to build a better business model that serves the customers needs and win in the free enterprise marketplace. May the best company win by serving its’ customers, not by bashing its’ competitors.


Claude Hamilton

537 thoughts on “LIFE Business Compensation Plan

  1. Claude,

    Great insightful article on the obvious advantages of the LIFE compensation. As a former A/Q distributor, I too can feel great about the compensation plan and also the value added information designed to actually help improve our society. LIFE is more about compensating the individual for personal growth and leadership, whereas A/Q was more about overpriced products adding to the already out of control consumerism of our society. I will take a great book over a high priced commodity any day!


  2. Point made. Periode. That was a great article Claude! I like the fact that you demonstrate FACTS and numbers to illustrate your point of view. It is clear that Life is an amazing opportunity and rewards it’s leader very well, as it should.

    Terry & Val

  3. Wow that’s a great article Claude. It’s funny, I was just talking to a couple of people about LIFE’s compensation plan versus Amway’s and you make really good points. Thanks for your wisdom & character…We love u lots!
    Joce & Cynthia

    • Yes, we all need to share this when the questions come up. I believe that LIFE is in a category all on its own and someone will invent a name for the industry LIFE has created in the not-too-distant-future.

  4. Great post Claude. It’s pretty amazing to see the differences. Thanks for taking the time to compare the numbers!

  5. Claude,
    That was powerful info. Thanks for taking the time to put this ammo together ! We are a force for good !! Besides leadership was all the people really wanted in the Amway days and we’d have to break out with the soap kit as our cover …. Now we’re giving them what they always wanted , world class leadership as our product !!!

  6. Thanks Claude for that detailed comparison. I was a part of Amway for years as well and never really understood the comp plan like you just shared. We truly do have the best in the industry today. Thanks for your time in this research. Life leadership to one million.


  7. So proud to be a part of the LIFE business and the TEAM community. Its leaders like Claude that are going to make the difference in millions of lives, through giving them LIFE changing information to lead them to the LIFE they have always wanted. Way to go Claude. So blessed to have you and Lana backing our business.

  8. What a great blog post! Loved seeing the comparrison, LIFE really is untouchable! We are so proud to have such passionate leaders. Thanks for all that you and Lana do to serve us all.

  9. Well, if that doesn’t set the record straight! I appreciate your transparency, Claude. Thank you for shutting up the drones so we can build our teams and continue to help people live the life they’ve always wanted.

  10. Very interesting, Tks for sharing this info. We feel the same way but it’s nice to see all the numbers !
    Michel and Elise

  11. Claude, we had a great challenge group tonight. Main subject was “character” and your name came up alot. Thanks for leading the way.

      • Can’t promise a hug, Kaleb is too cool for that now I think…he’ll give you the “football straight arm” if you try to hug him. Wyatt & Kaleb will be funny kids, can’t wait to see them grow up together as buddies.

    • Absolutely! Us too!!! Character and Integrity…. Claude Hamilton and the Policy Council must have been the buzz tonight!

    • Absolutely true, both Claude and Lana were referenced in our challenge group by both new and experienced members!!

    • Funny, Claude’s name came up alot in our challenge group in London Ontario also, and we too were discussing character and courage!

  12. Thanks SO much for once again reminding us of the great compensation plan we have, but more importantly, the quality, character, and passion of the leadership of Team and Life. So proud to be part of this organization and to be following leaders like you…

    • So true, its not all about the money. Its just the best thing out there for EVERYONE, and at any level… LIFE will change so many people’s lives!!

      • That’s exactly what you’ve begun to do buddy and that goes for anyone that has stepped up and taken the chance on them selves because your all so worth it. And in the end that pay plan will set you free in oh so many ways along with so many friendships that will last a lifetime. Priceless!

  13. Claude,
    We are very blessed to have you and Lana in our lives and to lead us to the truth! Keep stroking!

  14. Claude,
    I greatly enjoyed your research as it was certainly very factual.
    I would like to provide an additional fact; the teachings are priceless from the Life/Team packs.
    The team packs have catapulted my Staffing business and changed my life personally in additional ways. (To many to list).
    I listen to the team packs daily and Erica and I are both enjoying her Life Packs.
    I have canceled my satellite radio months ago as the CDs provides me the confidence needed to cold call, be confident in my staffing services, and a much greater success rate at closing the deal with my clients.
    If I have several rejections throughout the day the CDs allow me to pick myself up and push through such as Chris’s “swim through” speech.
    I have learned through the past several months that rejection is all around us, but its how much we truly want the reward on the other side; will determine our strength and character.
    Enjoy your blogs, keep them going.
    Andrew Lavoie & Erica Walls

  15. I guess those that settle for good when great is now available must try to justify their position somehow. No one can put together the facts quite like you Claude!

    The things you’ve been studying and talking about for the past few years we’ve known you are happening right before our eyes. Thanks for always casting the vision and being so far ahead of the curve.

  16. This is an awesome post, Claude. Thanks so much for sharing! Reminds me of the old adage, “a man with facts is never at the mercy of a man with an opinion.” The LIFE business is the best that’s out there, plain and simple, and will continue to be the best, since Orrin and Chris and the rest of the founders are always ready to adapt to what works. God bless.

    • I love the continual PDCA in every aspect of the LIFE business. The Compensation Plan is just another example of a group of people pursuing excellence in everything they do!

      • Great comment John! LIFE just keeps getting better in the pursuit of excellence and truth

      • John, you are right on the ball. Why settle for good when you can have great, I appreciate that the PC’s are always out for continual improvement, in themselves and the compensation plan. I love that we are producing effective and impressive leadership through the Life opportunity and getting rewarded financially

      • It’s amazing how through that PDCA life just keeps getting better and better. Above and beyond what an great group of leaders we all have to follow

  17. Awesome post…this is a very good comparison and just shows everyone that LIFE is the best company. Not only for a community based business, but as a personal/self-help business as well!

  18. Great post Claude! We have not been in the industry long enough to know or experience the facts that you have and its so nice to have you explain it. We have always believed in the founders of LIFE and our leaders, Wayne and Raylene… etc.. but it’s great to see the facts laid out. Some people just want to move up by pulling others down and its so wonderful to be a part of a group so honourable like LIFE that lets the facts and the truth set us apart. We believe in the character of you, Orrin, and the rest of the LIFE and TEAM leaders. Anyone who cares about making a positive difference in the world needs to be associated with people like you.
    Thank you

  19. Claude this blog is amazing! I love how you compared the two companies and have honestly told the truth while doing so! Its amazing what oppurtunity many people can have with the LIFE business. Its also amazing that you and the other founders including Orrin Woodward have achieved such high success and are willing to share step by step what you’ve done. Its not everyday that an amazing oppurtunity like LIFE with its extraordinary compensation plan comes knocking. It really is the vehicle to drive your way to freedom and success! Thank you so much Claude for serving your team and the whole team! You truly are an inspiration!

    • I agree completely Matt. It is so inspiring to know that the founders of LIFE are willing to serve their team, share an awesome opportunity and help change lives for the better. True character is found in these leaders – that is for sure!

    • Well said Matt, looking forward to the chapters of success that this opportunity will bring to all who work for it!!

  20. It never ceases to amaze me, when the “BIG” corporate giants try to minimize vision & progress. The facts & figures do not lie, there is a new measuring stick and it’s being held by Mr. Woodward and the members of LIFE. It shows an extremely high level of resolve not to outline every aspect of this unique & radical system of compensation. One that truly rewards performance.


      • If someone with your character, Claude, believes that we should follow Orrin…. that’s enough for me!! We know you have our best interest in mind. Too much honesty and truth to not believe in LIFE and its leaders.

      • Tonight at our MFC Small Group, we discussed Orrin as someone who has character similar to Ludwig von Mises. I thought it was a no-brainer.

      • Orrin and Chris were the first people mentioned in our small group discussion in comparison to Ludwig von Mises too Colleen. That says so much for the leaders of our team doesn’t it. Awesome!

    • It is amazing, I agree. How does anyone come up with the idea that minimizing vision and progress are good plans? Can’t they see that their shooting themselves in the foot?

      • Yes both Orin and Chris were the first mentioned in our group discussion as well.

  21. Thanks Claude for all the information. Its been so great to meet up with you here in Ontario. Working with Wayne and everyone here has been so amazing. Just want to say thank you for everything that you do for us. Love working with Chad my choleric friend and business partner.

  22. Claude, I am so proud to be associated with you and all the leaders of the LIFE opportunity. You all showed tremendous courage by leaving a company that somehow lost sight of the benefit to the people and became solely focused on profit for the owners. Thanks for being a man of good character! I will follow you anywhere my friend!

      • Hey Pat, it’s awesome to hear you say that, it’s pretty cool having the same feelings of gratitude and of respect for what Claude was part of leaving, and now what he’s leading us forward with LIFE. Pat you have one huge heart for people! We need more people like you!

    • John
      You are the math expert, I half expected a few corrections from u!! hahahaha, my goal was not to do a complete analysis, im not that detailed and my time is worth more then that, the FACTs are easy, LIFE pays out 70% of PV and no one else does that!!! I know because I will never get rich as a founder of LIFE! it will be as a leader in the field adding value to others! With you by my side!!

      • I love that with LIFE the founders are compensated the same as all the other field leaders. No conflicts of interest!

      • I like the no pay as a founder because that means that whatever you do, I can do and expect the same results, and at the same time I know that Claude, will always have my best interests in mind. Lead on!

      • Dumon, i wouldnt say “no” pay as a founder because i hope someday we are successful enough that there is some haha! the actual fact is alot of mlms get corporate profit up to 50%!!!!! crazy because that money could go to the field like we did with LIFE. right now we have run our corp profit so low with the OTCA’s and the new announced trips, however as a founder I hope we someday have a successful enuf business that we do have corp profits. the neat thing is we decided that anything over 10% corp profits would go back to the field as a life coach profit sharing plan!! so even if someday we get huge profits, we will pay them to the field! Like Chris Brady said “The LIFE corp was not designed to make lots of money it was designed to pay out lots of money”!!!

      • That’s the best part and the most respectable, that you win the same way we do! Check your helmut and jump in and serve! The only way anyone truly will win!
        I truly respect how you have set the bar for us Claude.

    • John, you are correct, it truely is an amazing pay plan. Way superior to anything I have ever been a part of.

    • I’m no genious at math… but I can see pretty clearly where I am compensated best. Great outline Claude!

    • Seeing the numbers is amazing and reminds us just what we have our hands on. I love the details – that is me. But knowing, and being reminded, that no one else is even close – WOW! And the leadership we have, added to the leaders that LIFE is growing, are second to none!

  23. Great information here! Am printing this one 🙂 Will be a very helpful tool in dealing with some of the negative comments people love to share. Facts overcome opinion every time! Thank you for taking the time to put this together.

    • I agree, if someone is really interesting in getting the facts, getting them from someone who has been involved would logically be the place to go. In the end the truth will overcome gossip.

      • Nicely put Chris. It’s great to be involved in an organization that TEACHES how to work without gossip! That’s how we’ll make our impact.

  24. Well done! i think you’ve said it all and painted it in black and white. Life is awesome! there is no better business than life! i hope this will silence our critics. Words tell the truth!

    • Critics are never silenced THANK GOD, we need them to stand at the gates of success, to help us sharpen our intellect and make sure we have clarity to lead others. Critics are never silenced but they are discredited, the funny thing is the truth doesnt silence them either, they chirp and chirp. critics keep bad people from success because they succumb to the noise, but the critics make those who have the courage to persist even stronger. never give up the admiration of the many for the criticism of the few.

      • In terms of dealing with critics, I love this quotes:
        “Do what you feel in your heart to be right. You’ll be criticized anyway.”
        Eleanor Roosevelt

      • Claude,
        Thanks for the reminder that critics can be a positive energy source! You have a great way of demonstrating how we can redirect our responses to the critics in our lives. Thanks for all you and Lana do for us. We love you,


      • I must agree with all the comments, if there were no critics in life, there could be no heroes either!!

      • Critcs just bring out the choleric! We just ingnore them and push on, which is easy to do when living the life we always wanted!

  25. Claude,

    Very well put! I have had some second hand experience with theses types of companies mentioned above and none other can compare to the compensation plan of Life. Not to mention the communities/ friendships and growth in general, that I have already witnessed in the few months since deciding to make a “life” change!

    Cannot be more thankful for all the people and information being presented!

    Much love,

    Sarah V

    • Well put Sarah. It is the community and life-changing information that is the game changer here. The amazing compensation plan is a bonus.

  26. Well said Claude – I am going to be referencing this to handle the “I’ve seen this before” objection!!

    • I’m with you, Melissa. They may have seen a lot of things, but this LIFE business is something altogether new!

  27. Did anyone mention that over half of LIFE’s community actually got paid 50$ or more the very first month life launched? Who makes money in amway? 1% or less? LiFE is obviously one of the best in the industry. Where else can you have a great marriage, get out of debt, find your faith, create a following, have more freedom and build great relationships and friendships all while getting paid to do so? Put that in your pipe and smoke drones!

      • Its amazing to think that LIFE is being attacked for improving on a concept and through that, improving people’s lives in all those areas you mentioned Matt.
        I makes me wonder, as Claude does in the post, what the motivation is for the criticism? And it makes me see even more clearly that we have a battle to win here. Thankfully, with a great company, products and pay plan, we have a fighting chance.

  28. Some people just cannot stand to see a company such as LIFE come to the public because it makes all the rest look selfish. It’s the crabs in the bucket analogy all over again. They just don’t want anyone to get ahead of them. Too bad, we in LIFE will continue to fight for the people that haven’t even heard of us yet! You can’t stop a great idea who’s time has come.

    • Hear! Hear! I love the idea of fighting for people who haven’t even heard of us yet.

      • This will revolutionize the economy! We have a famous Canadian darling company getting ready to layoff a couple thousand more employees this week. There is no security in jobs any more. People are definitely in the looking zone here in Ontario!

  29. First, I want to say “Thank you and kudos to you, Claude!”

    Thank you for writing this article and laying it out so we – who have not seen other compensation plans – can know the details behind what we already knew to be true. Personally, I didn’t need the details. Just the character on display of the PC and RTs is enough for me to know that LIFE has the best pay plan out there. But it’s nice to have somewhere to point the skeptics.

    And kudos for having the courage and character to defend what you believe in with fact and experience. That you are willing to talk straight does not surprise me but it just might surprise the drones as they’re clearly not playing the game with the same high standards that you are.

    Thanks again,

    • You are so right about the character of the PC and RT. Anyone who has been around these people know that they are looking out for everyones best interest and not just their own! Men and women of character are hard to come by this day and age, but with LIFE there are many. Many who stand up for what is right no matter how much it hurts. These people leading the charge are what real servant leaders are made of. The best part is, they teach and pass on these characteristics in hopes of changing the world by changing the lives of many one by one. It would be easy to sell out and take the money and run, but the men and women of lifes PC and RT would never comprimise what they stand for. How do you argue anything against that?

      • Well said Matt. The PC came up a few times when asked for examples of men with character in our Challenge group tonight.

      • Hey Matt! I thought you were laid up after the accident. Good to hear you’re still thinking clearly!! You’ve posted 3 or 4 great comments. I like the part where you point out that the men and women on the pc and rt never compromise what they stand for! I am a firsthand witness to this. It has been a real privelege working with the top one percent income earners in canada, wayne and Raylene. We run a conventional business as well, and no one we deal with has shown the work ethic, and character and vision that Wayne and Raylene have.

      • Like the founders of life and in Matt’s case, you can’t keep a good man down!!

  30. Hey Claude,

    Just wanted to thank you and the rest of the PC for blazing the trail for us. There will be countless lives changed because because you guys did the right think and made the tough choices. Hope to see you soon at a promotion.


  31. LOVE IT when it pays to do the right thing! I wouldn’t waste my breath doing any activity that wasn’t of value to my time. LIFE, well worth the financial and personal value. I’m sending this to everyone I know! Claude Rocks, man hitchhiked across Canada, in OCT. Respect and Honor!

  32. FINALLY, Claude you did it. u compared the obvious flaws of AMWAY Drones and how they are just hating on a better company. the facts are laid out right there. my favorite part is when LIFE keeps paying out bonuses and AMWAY pays out ZERO at certain points in the comparisons. i love reading the true history behind where the Founder of LIFE had to come from and they dont hide it. they embrace it and simply point out the facts. black and white. this is a great article. im sharing it with everyone.

      • Dan’s blog post was amazing as well! Invaluable information. We talked about it tonight in our Challenge Group in terms of Orrin setting the standard for us of character-in-action.

      • That is another great PC post! Again, personally, I can run on less details and more observation of his character in action. But is sure is handy to have all the ammo available!

      • Absolutely! Did it on my phone though. Im blind now. lol. So many great points and a walk through history from where Orrin started to his battle to where the Phoenix is rising out of the ashes now ever since LIFE started

  33. We are truly blessed to be working with a group that is so transparent and displays character and integrity at every turn. What the founders of LIFE have developed and continue to develop is a tremendous advantage that is accessible to all. Thank you Claude for your continued exampleand to the rest of the PC for fighting for our futures. You are all appreciated more than you know.

  34. Thanks for the post Claude. Orrin says, “In God we trust, all others must have data” You’ve provided great data.
    I appreciate the battles that were fought to get to the point of this ground-breaking opportunity that is truly win-win. Thanks to you and Lana for tough decisions and the courage to do what you believed in.

    • I agree with that Michele. We just talked about courage tonight at our Challenge meeting. Claude and Lana have always showed courage for as long as I have known them.

      • Claude and Lana’s names were mentioned frequently tonight as shining examples of character and integrity during our challenge group meeting.

      • Wayne you and Raylene are excellent leaders! Courage and hunger as a student, leading by example… thanks for being you and inspiring so many!

      • I’m reminded of the statement “the spine of the weak stiffen in the presence of the bold!” Thanks Claude for demonstrating courage to Wayne!! We are watching his courage as he fights for what he believes and following in his footsteps.

      • What other company can boast that one of its founders has truly protected and is protecting our liberties and freedoms on all scales both in the public eye and in the trenches!! Thank you Claude!

      • Wayne… the courage you and Raylene display, coupled with the inspiration and belief you share from your hearts, is why many, including us, follow you guys. And we are honoured to call you our friends and mentors.

      • So true, all this ground work and battling the critics is to prepare for a million people we haven’t met yet.

  35. It is great to have the comparison side by side like this. I love how the LIFE compensation plan allows for a brand new business owner to earn a notable amount their very first month. As exciting as it is to turn a profit of a few dollars the first month of business, it is even more exciting to earn a profit that is going to start making a difference in people’s lives, right from the very beginning. It is proof that bigger and better things are waiting for everyone in the future!

    • Tanya, this is so true. People need to see a big difference quickly these days and LIFE definitely provides that opportunity.

  36. Claude, because you were successful in the Amway opportunity, your comparison is both credible and powerful. You and the other Founders of LIFE have always taught that your success qualifies you to teach others to become successful. That’s why you are such an amazing Life Coach! Thanks for taking the time to share this article.

  37. You’re most welcome. I, for one, am really grateful for the LIFE compensation plan.

  38. Hey pal,Great post…. I still remember the first time we discussed biz together. Your commitment to excellence has always shinned in every area you have taken. Claude, it is such an honour to call you my biz partner and best bud..this blog article is an awesome eye opener to any negative critical thinker that doesn’t take the time to truly think through the simple numbers…thanks for all your leadership and inspiration. Together we will hit 1 000 000 people. luv ya

      • Agreed Claude, but you helped shape him! He had a great mentor to guide his way and show him through his example. Now we all benefit from the tremendous leader that Wayne and Raylene have become!

      • Yes Phil, we are going down the right road with Wayne and Ray, Claude and Lana all the PC in LIFE. By our sides!!

    • Wayne, you are more like Claude then you think. You lead with courage and character every day just like Claude and the Team is way stronger with you as one of it’s most committed leaders. Cheers to the next future PC.

      • Well said Patrick!! I agree. I see so clearly that Wayne and Raylene have absorbed so much of what Claude and Lana have poured into them. Wayne, you both are a credit to your mentors and a wonderful example and encouragement to all of us who are learning from you and Ray.

      • thx my friend. this life changing information combined with leaders like Claude n Lana are why we are so so hungery. anyone can grab a hold of this information and start changing thier dialy choices..i love it

      • after tonights challenge group and then reading this post. there is a true man of character.Always doing the right thing no matter what.

      • Patrick, I love the way Wayne and Raylene rise to a challenge with courage. Boldly leading the way for so many of us to follow just like they have followed Claude.

      • Well said Elma Wayne and Raylene are a wonderful example and encouragement to all of us and like you said Claude in your article The main purpose of a leader is to build other leaders. You and Lana are amazing mentors and have poured so much love into Wayne and Raylene and all of us. We are blessed to have world-class leaders like you leading the way

    • Moncton NB is going to have the MacNamaras rock the house. It’s so easy to promote you guys. We can’t wait for June 9th Seminar in Moncton. Thanks for everything you do Big MAC!

      • Can’t wait for you and Cynthia to come to Ontario June 9th!! Standing room only!! The best of the best are coming to town!!!

      • Joce, you are absolutely right, Wayne and Raylene, as well as you and Cynthia have learned to serve the Team before your team, we have tons to learn from you guys, excited to see this PC run for both couples. What is truly inspirational is all the energy and time that Claude invests into you guys so that you guys can help the newest guy. I know that in my case Wayne had made a big impact in my life

      • Man alive! You are so fortunate Joce….. For someone to miss your June 9th seminar would be a BIG, HUGE MASSIVE mistake! Wayne and Raylene shared with a bunch of us what he is going to cover and it will blow your socks off! It will their best talk to date, I promise you that!

    • Fighting all the way with you both! Learning from such servant leaders just makes the task easier for the next round. Claude and Wayne you are truly an inspiration to us and will copy you all the way! Thanks for everything you do!

  39. Hey Claude, This is fantastic information showing the difference between Amway/Quixtar and LIFE’s comp plans. Being involved in the Amway/Quixtar business model in the past with a different organization it is so refreshing to see and feel the passion and drive with LIFE!! This totally explains to me how Wayne and Raylene MacNamara can keep the speedometer to the max when they know the difference in financial benefit to the newest person.

      • Tonight’s Challenge Discussion meeting was based around character being integrity times courage. It was that type of character that attracted Rhonda and I to you and Lana and of course Wayne and Raylene! The display of selflessness and courage when the risk of doing the correct thing could have been financially detrimental to you and your family, thank you Claude

      • We appreciate Wade and Rhonda’s hunger to lead and serve which stems from the great examples of you and Lana, Wayne and Raylene and the rest of the PC’s and RT’s.

      • That is awesome, Wayne. I have though the same thing. Learning that maintaining your hunger is necessary to lead has been a real eye opener for me. And to see so many who could sit back and watch from the comfort of the sideline but don’t because they have a cause to help people change their lives is truly impressive.

      • It is awesome to see Leadership in action not in history! Lead on my firend!

      • Wayne, you are so right. It is great to see new people hungry. Tonights discussion meeting was fantastic to see people wanting to be challenged on what nugget they would take home and apply. It is great to know that every leader in this organization is doing the same thing and hungry too for the challenge of change. Orrin Woodward’s book Resolved is really making an impact.

      • its awesome to be associated with a company where the founders developed a business that will benefit every one not by their position but by their work eithic

  40. Another amazing blog Claude! It never ceases to amaze me how resilient you, Lana and many others were during the “old days” of business and how you and the other PC pdca’d the business model and created something so unique and special that that is why the “drones” are criticizing the bonus chart. Funny how the nameless ones always omit the true details of their situation but have no problem slandering the Life Business. I am truly speechless to say the least when I hear of the nameless drones chirping a business they only wish they had the integrity, character, purpose and leadership to be apart of and yet the statement rings true that no one ever put up a statue of someone who wasn’t criticized for having different thinking! You, Wayne, Orrin are only a few of many men that I aspire to be like and would want my son’s to role model after in my absence. We do so appreciate you and Lana so much for mentoring Wayne and Raylene and inspiring the rest of us to be a community of rascals with character, purpose and integrity to stand for what is right!

  41. Hey Claude, Amway is a good company, but the compensation plan is what it is.. LIFE being a provider of self journey, help, leadership material is on a completely different level, both in product offering and compensation plans. Thank you for all that you and the rest of the PC do in making LIFE great.

    • I will take your word for it about Amway, Rhonda, simply because I have no experience with them whatsoever. Having said that, it is easy to see part of the reason LIFE has a better compensation plan is simple product cost. There are things that are expensive to produce and things that are less so. Information products are less so.
      I did say ‘part of the reason’ though. Some of the other parts are made up of the character, vision and dreams of the PC who see that LIFE is a tool to make changes in our society for the better.

      • Putting the money aspect aside, it is refreshing that the founders of life decided that they would earn from the field and not surcharge products good or bad beyond reasonable costs! In addition to that, life’s ultimate product is a better you, me and the rest of the people looking for positive change.

      • Aage(love the name) soon we will have a cost comparison done that will compare the MFC and other media we have with all out competitors!! wait till u see that! its amazing

  42. Claude, I found myself laughing out loud multiple times while reading this! Can’t say I have ever heard the terms ‘ignorant chirping’ used together! That being said, this was a fantastic post. Truth is very transparent! Thanks for leading with character and class 🙂

  43. That’s what we appreciate about you and all the PC, you’ve got our backs! Thanks for all you do.

  44. Hey Claude, interesting article, gives me some of the perspective as to why LIFE is a better business model. I think one thing that was missed for all your amway drones, the company doesn’t have a owners share in the compensation, you make your money through field compensation the same as I do, therefore your decisions as a founder help me out as well as yourself. I appreciate the founders opted out of the ownership clause which allows you to sit around and do nothing, great having you in the trenches with us Claude, keep leading!

    • Great observation Dumon…. where else in a 24 hour period can a vital positive change be made (like the trip tacker qualifier) in a compinsation plan then when the owners are part of the field??

    • This is HUGE! Being a member of a compensated community levels the playing field for all. This was designed as pay for performance plain & simple.

  45. Hey Claude, great blog!

    Talk about putting Rumour, Hearsay and UN-Popular Opinion to rest!

    Thank you for sharing the straight up facts on both businesses. One of the very first things we learned in the business was to only take truth, from people who have fruit on the tree. People who know and have experience in the area your investigating. Claude your not only a man of passion and courage, your character and integrity makes it easy for us to not only believe in you, but to also believe in ourselves.

    Proud to be in business with you, Lana, and the rest of the Policy Council.

  46. perhaps a if a few of the “drones” broadened they’re horizon’s a little- they would use they’re voice to offer worth. God Bless

    • Great point, Rhonda! It makes me wonder… Why say anything except to offer worth? I’m so glad we have a company that does things because they’re right and are winning because if merit not because they are good at tearing down the competition.

    • Rhonda, I think that many of the public is starting to broaden their horizons, and it is mainly because LIFE is the beacon on the hill!

  47. Great Blog Claude

    Almost 100% of our group gets paid monthly! A lot are not sure how but they are just happy they do!
    This is the lowest cost business I have ever seen and by far out weighs the endless possibilities!


  48. Wow. That’s incredible. I’m so happy LIFE is here. If I was first shown Amway and told how much it would cost, I doubt I would have had the courage to give it a try.

    To be involved in such a low cost/high reward business, with world class products, it’s amazing! How could I have possibly turned this opportunity down?

    Thanks for showing how lucky I am to be with LIFE!

    • I can’t tell you how happy i am that you didn’t turn us down! With all the questions you fired at us! 🙂
      We are very fortunate to have this opportunity with LIFE, and i’m proud to call you a business partner buddy!

  49. One of the many things I LOVE about the LIFE comp plan is how Leaders continue to be rewarded for depth as well as width. For someone who is successful to go out and start another team requires them to be sharp and active doing the same things as a brand new person. As well, the Leader bonuses encourage us to stay involved in the largest teams in some capacity like coaching the coaches. It truly allows someone to exhibit all 5 Levels of leadership as described in Orrin Woodward’s best selling book Launching a Leadership Revolution.

  50. Claude, thanks for the article you have blogged. I am very thankful that you have lead the way yet again in making sure that we are fully disclosed to this awesome business of Life. I really appreciate that the founders don’t have to hide anything from the field and that integrity and character are at the forefront of operations. You and Lana have always been open and upfront about how the money works and how to make the business work so we can be compensated well and quickly. It makes it so much easier knowing we can trust the people leading the way.

    • Trust is earned by all the levels in this company. It was my trust in you Jaqua that brought me into this company and obviously, it was well placed! Thanks so much for showing us “The Plan” and patiently waiting for us to FINALLY figure out that it was brilliant!

    • being able to trust the leadership is so key and unfortunately obsolete in much of todays business society

  51. One of the most important reasons we got started in this industry was to make money. Looking at the comparisons no wonder we are all so excited about what we are offering people….seriously, LOOK at those numbers, its amazing what Claude and the rest of the PC put together for us all to benefit from. There is alot of money on the table for those courageous leaders who will play this game of life. If your not totally excited about this comparison then………..your exciter is broken!!!!!

    • You got that right bud, even us phlagmatics get excited over all the money at stake here.

    • Who doesn’t want to make money. I know I left amway years ago because I wasn’t able to keep up with the high cost of the business. Thankfully god made our paths cross using a very thin thread. It is great to be running with toward our dreams. Thanks.

    • When I look at the numbers I don’t know how you and Raylene managed to get us excited before! It is exciting to see the comparison. But for the new person, its just exciting to see the potential – getting paid month one, free trips, cash bonuses and changing lives!

      • Michele, we had to exaggerate to you and hide the compensation plan LOLOLOLOLOL, just kidding….barely…you got in for the people!!! luv yah

    • Right now, with all the trips, and the personal growth and all kinds of promotions, the challenge groups and all the new people we get to meet, your exciter would be broken if you weren’t totally fired up!

    • You’re absolutly right, not only are we excited about the great compensation plan, but the life changing information, the great community and we are blessed to have courageous leader like Claude and the PC to lead the way!

  52. Great article. I am glad to see someone take the time to do a side by side comparrison of the two plans. It is also so true how anyone is able to succeed or fail based on their own ambition and drive. Thanks again for your leadership and knowledge.

  53. So Claude… my respect for you and Lana has gone up! Realizing how much harder you must’ve had to work to win with a comp plan like that!! Thanks for paving the way for those of us coming behind! And thanks for providing world-class, life changing info like the MFC instead of….. magic water.

    • Don’t forget about the soap! I think it’s awesome where you see the difference that the life business makes in the house hold, my wife’s desired to improve herself and learn how to work with me instead of against me, we have really been blessed by some of Terri Brady’s parenting talks, we see such amazing value in the Life products and then on top of that Life wants to pay us! I love my wife Rose and this business has me wanting to get her everything to live the life she’s always wanted

  54. The fact that the LIFE founders had the courage to put their financial security on the line to do what’s right; the fact that Claude has the courage to write this article so bluntly… it’s truly amazing considering there are people I pass in the grocery store who don’t have the courage to lift their gaze up and smile at a stranger who say’s hello.

    Did anyone else at the MFC groups tonight hit on how rare courage is these days?

    • Yes, we did. You are so right about people not even able to force themselves to be polite for fear of appearing weird. Courage is demanded of anyone who will make a difference.

      • That is exactly it, isn’t it John? People are afraid of being thought strange by someone they don’t even know. The chasm between ‘Average Joe’ and the people we get to follow with LIFE is almost unfathomable to me.

        It’s so cool that we have a forum to discuss ideas like these and resources to help us stretch out across the chasm towards the life we’ve always wanted!

      • Ours was great too… Good discussions… New ways of looking at things… but no Chuck Norris push ups. 😉 I guess there’s always room for improvement!

  55. Excellent article Claude! It was really interesting to see the comparison of the two businesses relying on facts instead of personal opinion or bashing. Hopefully we can continue to get the facts out there and shine through as an amazing business opportunity.

    After being a part of the challenge group tonight that focused on character…I want to thank you Claude for continuing to stand up for what you believe in and for consistently being a leader of great character. As many have said…we appreciate all that you and Lana do and will follow you anywhere:)

    • Thank you Sherri, I am far from perfect but I do try my best to serve. OW sets such a great example it makes us want to honour him with the same effort, see u soon

  56. It is said that Character is Integrity x Courage. This article shows both. Claude knows right from wrong and he is also willing to display his courage and speak the truth.

    My question to you all is, Why does courage seem a little harder to duplicate then integrity? who has the courage to reply?

    • Because courage requires action! Integrity can sit back and do nothing wrong, but not do what’s right either! (Thanks Beth)

    • I think integrity is just not doing what is wrong whereas courage is boldly stepping out of your comfort zone to actually do what is right or necessary.

      • I believe its the courage part of character that is echoed threw time. What i love about our challenge groups is that it helps in a small way start the process of acting and being courageous. just sharing our personal thoughts itself is a small act of courage.

      • Love reading your your comments.!..I think, courage and Integrety together sure makes this world a better place to live 🙂

    • Because the vast majority have no problem identifying what doesn’t look right, seem right, act right, but few have the internal strength to show others what they’ve identified and to either stop it or fix it. We happen to have leaders who do both and for that I am very excited to be a student to these coaches and mentors.

      • I think some have no idea what is right any more. That’s why we need courageous people to step up and lead people to truth.

    • I second what Michele said (Hi Michele!).

      Courage requires action. And that law that says that an object at rest will remain at rest has never been more true.

      We have been so blessed in our society that we don’t have to take action for much. So we aren’t in the habit of it. We’ve learned that even if we do nothing, things never get so bad that we feel the need to change them.

      But, as we who have stood up and taken notice are aware of, we’re all frogs in a pot that is ever so slowly creeping up in temperature.

  57. Man Claude this blog rocks to see the comments pouring in one after another and seeing the personal growth of so many of these bloggers one million is just the beginning and with men of integrity character and vision like yourself Wayne and Joce and John we can change the world one more person at a time

  58. Some people are information rich – knowledge poor. Love the facts – it is definitely sweet to see!

    Great article Claude, thanks for leading the way.

  59. Thank you. I appreciated this post. I more I am involved with this business, the more I understand that I am in a business that is designed to help the newest business owner make the most money as fast as possible. I am in a business, I make investments and the rewards are many. I have been pleasantly surprised and blessed.

      • I like your comment Claude…the reward are not just money but a chance to live the Life we have always wanted…
        I cant even imagine the impact we are making on our Children. They see us grow and the want to follow our footstep….by growing ourself, we sure are make a positive difference in the World….Love you all!…

  60. Claude, thanks for the post. A friend of mine who is a contract expert says that the compensation is bad but the contract is even worse. The Amway drones should spend there time on evaluating why Pokorny just WON the largest settlement in history of the profession, 100 million dollars. The drones should follow Matthew 7:3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

  61. Our challenge group tonight had laughs, tears and deep personal experiences. Where else will you find a group where your feelings are both respected and protected by some people who you just met that night!! The bonds we are creating and the stories we are sharing are simply inspiring and I’m proud to be among those who welled up for someone else’s experiences knowing that here they are heard and are safe. Now that shows group character!

  62. We have such an awesome biz model where we can actually test and grow our courage on a daily basis. we contact people, we show them the plan, we combat criticism. Small acts daily lead to bigger ones

  63. Great post Claude! I’m wondering maybe I could offer the ignorant folks you mentioned a MFC. I’m running a promotion right now for a free give away of a MFC pack. All you have to do to qualify is be close minded, ignorant, selfish, have low self esteem, comment on things they no nothing about, and have a passion for verbally bashing (via the Internet, not in person that would be to courageous) those who have a purpose to do good and a passion to change the intolerable,

    An impossible promotion to win if you are in the LIFE business. In the LIFE Business we play as a TEAM and we play to WIN!


  64. Awesome post Claude! Thanks for taking the time to share with us. Can’t wait to see you and Lana

  65. LIFE has no interest in smearing competitors to get ahead; rather, the founders of LIFE have chosen to build a better business model that serves the customers needs and win in the free enterprise marketplace. May the best company win by serving its’ customers, not by bashing its’ competitors.

    Well said Claude Thank you to You and Lana for setting the example and leading the way. Love you guys

  66. Hey Claude! Great blog! I have been in business with you for over 7 years now and the ability you have in making the right decisions time and time again is what impresses me the most about you! Your character is so strong that you make taking tough decisions look so easy when at times I am sure they were not. What also impresses me about you is the amount of quality leaders you keep on bringing on like the Dionnes, the MacNamaras, the Nickersons, the Legers, the Rocheleaus, the Walls, and on and on and on… such a deep bench of leaders! Keep on rolling pal! Nicole and I think the world of you and Lana! Luv ya! JL

    • I agree JL!
      Marie and I have only had the honor of being part of this organization for the past 3 and a half years, but it continually blows us away to watch Claude and the rest of the PC’s ability to make tough decisions based on character and integrity!

      Proud to be a part of the legacy being created here!

  67. FWe just came out of our second MFC group with the topic of Character being at the forefront. I am glad to be involved with a group of people that embody the fundamentals and principals of character. Since being involved with the members of Kaizen and the Team, I have not only seen the growth of people around me, but also the growth in myself. I can also acknowledge the fact that those without character tend towards trying to bringing others down instead of lifting the bar on themselves. As the saying goes give credit where credit is due. Thank you Claude and Lana, Joce and Cynthia, Adriano and Marie, and Shawn and Lynn for being people of true character. Claude, thank you for the decisions you make everyday to help those in your community. I look forward to being a blessing to others just like you are to the community that you serve with honor.

      • You’re right Owen. Team and LIFE have been changing people’s lives for the better for as long as we’ve been involved. it’s full of people with great character.

  68. It’s do interesting to know the facts. I did t take time to read every comment, you guys are truly passionate about showing support to one another! Inspiring! Maybe I’m alone on this, but I see LIFE in a league of its own. I laugh when people start to compare at all, even pro life, because it is rediculous. There is nothing even close to what this is, and nothing that will stand the tests of time like this will. Absolutely stunning.
    Orrin Woodward, chris Brady, and Claude Hamilton, and the rest of the policy council are right on!! This business will change the decline of society, and to put purpose in the perspective, will assist in bringing souls to Christ.
    God bless Claude! Marvelous job!

  69. Claude,
    The numbers don’t lie and I wish others wouldn’t lie either. Kudos to you for stepping up to the plate and defending LIFE against those who hide behind their laptops, twitter feeds and blog sites only to spew negative. The LIFE Founders have truly changed the playing field of free enterprise.


  70. Great article. “why would an alleged former Amway person single out the LIFE compensation plan when it’s the most lucrative in the entire industry?” That is a great question. The numbers speak for themselves, but it even sounds better coming from someone who has been there. Thank You.

  71. Well said Claude, Showing the differences in the Compensation Plans really shows how LIFE has better results. It will reassure people that are in the business and that are thinking on getting in the business that LIFE is the way to go. LIFE is an exciting business to be in. I am so FIRED up after meetings and our MFC meetings.

    I loved what you quoted “May the best company win by serving its’ customers, not by bashing its’ competitors”. We are not out to bash competitors, we are out to make this grow into 1 million strong.

    Thanks again Claude, you and Lana are great leaders.

  72. Thanks Claude I appreciate a leader who doesn’t need to “bad mouth competetion” thanks for posting the facts….nothing more needs to be said. “The facts speak for themselves”.

  73. Great post Claude I’m so glad that we are involved with such great leadership in the life business. Glad that issue has been laid to rest.

  74. All I can do is quote my favorite lines; “Critics are cowards” , “Criticism is the death gargle of a non-achiever”. These drones have certainly proven both of these points!

    And the members of LIFE have proven loyalty is a trait beyond any amount of money! Integrity is NOT for sale, and if you decide to take cheap, uneducated shots at those we follow, be prepared to reap the whirlwind! (Or run up against a “Wall” 😀 )

    Thanks Claude for everything you and all the members of the PC do. I know what a difference this organization has made in our lives, and the lives of those around us!


  75. Very well said Claude! Let the facts be facts and to all the boo birds, feel free to rain on your own parade. LIFE and it’s founders and members have much more important things to do than point out others faults!!!! As for me, LIFE has changed my life in so many more ways than monetary gain that cannot be compared to any other company in existence. To graph those details would simply be LIFE attributes compared to………….oh wait, there’s nothing to compare it to other than my own personal education and well being!!! Thanks again for all you do for us just getting started. BBNQ!!!!!!

  76. Wow, that was the most incredible way to compare the two businesses without the “bashing” like you said Claude. We started the A/Q business so long ago and for me there is no comparison with the amount of time, energy, and money put into something and the rewards it comes back with. Life has been the best thing for me with the cd’s, books, mentorship and the money! I really can’t believe I was in the other “thing” for so long and its only because of you, Claude that I stayed. I’m feel very proud to be in and incredible business with you and Lana and to get rewarded from Life with not only the best compensation plan but the learning and growing that I’ve done over just this last few months that has helped me. I’m also very proud that you Claude followed such amazing leadership in Orrin Woodward when you could have just thought about yourself but now have taken on being one of the Life founders and are taking the business to one million and beyond. Thanks for all you do!

  77. Claude,
    The results and comparisons speak for themselves! LIFE is the best economic engine for the individual since it helps their wallet and builds their mind as well! Full steam ahead to millions of people by God’s grace!
    Captain T

  78. As when you were serving our Country,there are many who are glad you are on our side. Thanks for Leading us into battle.

  79. Wow Claude great article! It’s funny how those who are jealous and arrogant chirp the most! Thanks so much for the comparison to show how LIFE is truly the way out for all of us.
    We appreciate you and Lana, Joce and Cynthia so much

    Scott & Andrea Seeley

  80. Claude, I’m proud to be a part of an organization where Trust, Integrity and Character are but only a few of the core guiding principals.

    Men and women of Character have become a dying breed in today’s society. It’s so encouraging and heart warming to be a part of what is unfolding with LIFE.

    Thank you Claude for being one of those “Men of Character” and for all the excellent work you do!

  81. Great post Claude! Just goes to show the difference the LIFE business is making – and that’s only the financial side of it! I love that the product is a better you! I don’t think any business can beat that!!

    Take care,


  82. There is no one doing what we are doing. As you have pointed out how good the compensation is … I believe we are doing more for people. I can feel good about helping someone get a good pair of tennis shoes, or I can feel good about helping someone have a better relationship with their kids … be a more effective with people … be a better leader at their profession … or learn their purpose. Tennis shoes or a life they have always wanted. Not a hard choice. Thanks Claude for Leading!

  83. Well said Claude!

    I was in Amway years ago for a brief period. It is NO comparison to the LIFE business who look after their members as no other business or corporation I have been in ever did. The financial compensation, not to mention the ongoing mentoring and friendships, are phenomenal. I’m in LIFE for life!!!

    Christine Dulong

  84. Thanks for writing this article Claude, the comparisons that you bring to light, demonstrate that there really is no comparison. Thanks for being the leaders that you and Lana are!

  85. Great post, Claude! It was obvious how lucrative the LIFE comp. Plan was, but when the #s are down its amazing how huge of a gap was created by LIFE’s industry changing #s! Selflessness, character and integrity at work!

    Mike Gallant

  86. Great article Claude! I feel blessed to be with people, who I firmly believe, are changing an entire industry for the better! I get excited thinking about being part of something this big that will change the face of business in the future.

  87. Well said Claude, Mary and I are honored to work with you and spend time around your leaders. I have never met a more character filled group of people standing for what is right.

    God Bless

  88. Claude – great post brother. When all the smoke and mirrors are pulled away and all you’re left with is the facts, it’s unreal what you will find.
    When people of integrity are not believed, they will let time prove them right! What I love about you Tim Marks and the rest of the PC is that LIFE gets BETTER with time not worse. The more a person digs and uncovers it is actually better than you were promised not worse. When you really get to know the leaders you are following and being mentored by you feel unbelievably blessed to be apart of their lives and not having to caulk it up to a learning experience on the discernment of peoples character.
    Thank you for standing in the gap for so many.
    God Bless

    Tymber Lee

  89. We only have one life to live, so it is best to do it right the first time, if possible, and it is possible with the team of leaders on the LIFE team. The leaders on the Life team lead us to be better people which in turn means a better society. The compensation plan is just an added perk for being the best we can be and helping other to do the same. Thank you for all those who have paved the way for us new people. God Bless you all.

    Bonnie Hourihan

  90. Great article Claude. Thank you for your leadership! We are proud to be on your team, and the Life team.

    Gord & Julie

    • Very proud to have this chance with the LIFE buisiness. Claude and Lana, Joce and Cynthia you are amazing people!

  91. Awesome post Claude. With every change you, and the PC, make, it is evident you are not in this for the profit. Every change makes it easier and more beneficial for the rest of us to succeed. Some can’t see it in the beginning, but if people will open their ears, hearts and minds, they can’t help but see the leaders in LIFE have a vision. Life isn’t about selling something, it is about helping people. I don’t see any need for comparison. There is no other business helping improve lives like we do in the LIFE business. No one compares to us. Thank You, to all the LIFE leaders who saw what needed fixing, and did so.

    • Dawn!!! whoooaaa hahaha, dont curse me! I am in it for some profit for sure. however i believe a basic law of prosperity is you must first add value to others before you deserve profit for your efforts. And i feel great about our product, its information that lets people live the life they have always wanted!! and on top of it we found a way to make the opportunity for profit available for anyone not just the corporate owners or the people who were first in! and Orrin woodward is following the principle that Sam Walton started when he was the first to offer profit sharing to everyone. he understood if u push the profits to everyone and let everyone have a stake in the success of the business then more people are adding value to others and earning profit and making a difference. I am so happy we are in business with orrin woodward.
      thanks Dawn for following and commenting. I appreciate u

      • Ha Ha Ha…I guess I meant to say you are not ONLY in it for the profit. We want to profit financially from this as well. But even early in the game, we can see that it is so much more. We are in for the long haul. We truly appreciate you and Lana. Lead On.

  92. WOW, when the two businesses are compared side by side like you have Claude it is easy to see that there really is no comparison. It would be like comparing a Ferrari to a K-Car. Yes they both will get you where you want to go, but one will get you there so much faster; and you’re proud to be in it. But now you can get the Ferrari for for half the price of the K-Car. Thank you for sharing this; I always look forward to hear what you have to say

  93. Great stuff, well put! Thanks to you and all the Life founders we really will have the life we always wanted. Thanks for all you do! See you soon.

  94. Nice to see a head on comparison. My husband and I were looking for something before we found Team. Thank goodness we didn’t find it 🙂 We are Very Proud Life Business owners. I want to thank you and Lana for doing the hard parts, and sharing this opportunity with anyone who is looking to live the life they have always wanted to live.

  95. Having been a part of both organizations it was evident from the beginning that the LIFE plan was WAY better! But to hear it and see it from someone in a position of leadership explaining in factual details the advantages of LIFE is amazing!

  96. Wow !! Claude thank you so much for shedding some light on that subject !!

    We really appreciate you guys !

  97. Man oh man! Can’t find another LIFE plan like this one! I wish I would’ve learned about this in school!

  98. Even a melancholie can appreciate the simple math: 35% BV vs 70%PV payout…nuff said!

  99. Thank you for putting into practice Resolution 2 , Claude! It is an honour to be part of the (ROK of) Kaizen community in the red/white/blue! Being a melancholy, the details above in the charts and with the mathematical calculations truly show which is the most superior. Let alone the intangibles — my entire outlook on the 8 F’s ( especially finances, freedom, & following, let alone the others ) has changed, and completely for the better. I have learned more from the self-directed leadership education with this company’s information than I could possibly sum up in one blog comment, let alone a dozen.

    In sum, there is nothing to be gained by being negative about any other plan; rather, I hang my hat on the best option, and its beyond clear that LIFE wins the gold medal ( like Canada did in 2010 ;0)) Many blessings to you, Lana, & Wyatt from Terry’s backyard!

      • Thank you very much! 🙂 Credit where it’s due. I saw that game live ( before I knew about the business or had even visited Canada ) – in short, the best team won! Although it was surely a titanic battle. We’ll win in ’14 😉

    • We are lucky to have such a great leader with real character as we do in Claude Hamilton!!

  100. Claude the Life compensation plan is amazing. Thanks for bring us this amazing business.

    Paul Elliott

  101. Sometimes people are content wearing their blinders because it protects them from the reality they’re not ready to face. Thanks for setting the record straight on the LIFE business. Who can refute it when you’ve laid it out so clearly.

  102. Claude, Lisa were not around during your Amyway days, but looking at the 2 business pay plans, obvious to us that you and the rest of the policy council have amazing job in developing this revolutionary business called “Life”. We are proud to be just a small part in your business.

    God bless.


  103. Hi Claude, I just finished reading your latest Blog entry and I really admire the fact that you chose to take the high road and just laid out the facts. You didn’t verbally attack the “other side”, instead you just spoke the truth and that reaffirms my trust in you and in LIFE. You are a great leader.

    • Thx stacy, i must admit i did many rewrites to get my frustration out, i dont want to join a post battle online with a handful of people whos biggest part of their life is quitting and criticizing however there is a point where u have to fight back a bit.

  104. Way to go Claude!! Thanks for sharing this great analysis that demonstrates what a great business opportunity we have our hands on with LIFE. Nothing can compare when you spell it out so clearly like you did!

  105. Thanks Claude for all the details 🙂 Been sharing this with some people in our group. We are definitely at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing with the right people 🙂

  106. Claude, so proud to be part of LIFE with you, let’s keep fighting the good fight!
    luv yah!

  107. Hey Claude,

    Great article! You and Lana are awesome leaders and have always steered all of us in the right direction and we appreciate you for it.

    Thank You!

  108. The LIFE comp. plan is second to none and we appreciate the leadership team who developed it and continue to improve it for the benefit of everyone. Thanks for being the point man Claude.

  109. That’s the first time I’ve seen the actual pay plan for Amway laid out like that. Back in the day, I was never able to get anyone to give me a straight answer. It just seemed like nobody really knew all the details and I definitely never saw a compensation plan brochure 🙂

  110. Excellent comparison Claude! When one is truly looking to find a way to make a difference not only in their own life, but also in others what LIFE has to offer really stands out. Unfortunately, when one is so content with W&C they just can’t always see beyond the nose on their face! Thanks for all that you and the other PC do for all of us in TEAM/LIFE.

    • The light shines brightly on those who have character. And, may I add that this plan was clearly put together with great care, empathy, wisdom, vision, & purpose. There is nothing not to like about free enterprise — since it is so uncommon in the world today, and so often confused with crony capitalism, statism, and consumerism, it is not altogether surprising that some do not understand this plan, the company behind it, nor the founders whose legacies have been staked on doing the right thing, period. Roddick’s Law applies here, as it should apply in many more places in the West. It’s a privilege to be in the Kaizen tribe with all the other 5%’ers on the success curve of LIFE 🙂

  111. Wow! so true. We sometime forget how easy it is now to meet our PV requirements in LIFE.

  112. Great article Claude! What an eye opener. Nicely done. Not only do the LIFE materials reflect the character and integrity of the PC but so too does the comp plan, rewarding the field like no other!

  113. I can’t wait to see that cost comparison between the MFC and other media.

  114. My wishbone wish has come true!! Now when talking about LIFE, the founders and especially Orrin Woodward, instead of being thrown the “Great, so you’ve just given me Woodward’s explanation of what purportedly happened” comment, I now hold the trump card that will be met with a “huh!?!” as they ponder in silence.
    I feel so much more confident in discussing the objections!! Thanks Claude for the transparent comparison, details and facts!!

  115. Thank you Claude for having taken the right decision for your group. It took courage and integrity. You guys are the greatest example for all of us

  116. Thank you Claude for your courage and character. Thank you also for the explanations up above. They make a lot more sense to me now.
    Louise Cormier

    • I agree with you Louise, Claude and Lana, you are a persons of Courage and Character. Love your blog!

  117. Thank you Claude: It is sad but true to note that people will criticize what they fear. Life offers the best in enriching your” life”, as well as the best opportunity, FOR ANY COMPENSATED COMMUNITY.
    Thanks to you and Lana, and all the other leaders and business owners in the Life community.

  118. Hey Claude

    Great post! That really clears things up for people that don’t know the whole story! Really there is no comparison. Better products, better pay plan and extremely better leadership.

    Never been prouder to be in business with you.

    Denis & Lisa

  119. There is no doubt that LIFE has an aggressive compensation plan. How can it not? The founder’s goal in not be be the company that makes the most money but rather to be the company that pays out the most money!

    Proud to be affiliated with such a great company!


    • Absolutely right, it’s a rare thing to find a company that is willing to do that. What is nice is our Founders in Life earn the same way the field players earn their money!

  120. Claude,
    Great article. Thats the first time I’ve seen the two compared side by side. Amazing! You’re right. Nuff said.

  121. In god we trust…all others must have factual data. Thank you for the brief but staggaring comparison of two companies taking very different paths in an often misunderstood industry.

  122. Claude,
    Thank you so much for sharing the FACTS on the comparisons between Amway and LIFE! I heard Chris Brady say that someone with the facts will never be at the mercy of someone with an opinion. It is so exciting to not only have the facts spelled out for everyone to see, but also be in the right place, at the right time, with the most character and integrity based men and women that I have ever met in my life. Thanks to you and the other LIFE founders, we have an opportunity to fufill the goal of 1 million!!

  123. Very well written and very accurate! Any person sincerely seeking the truth can quickly read this article and use independent thought and discernment to read through the propaganda spread on the internet.

  124. Excellent post Claude! 100% truth, refreshing! I started to read the comments…wow. It’s great to be back in business with you again!

  125. Awesome post, Claude! Being relatively new to this industry, I can’t fully appreciate what we have our hands on with LIFE. I’ve heard how this business is much more rewarding based on performance than many other businesses in this industry but I have never seen the factual data. What a great opportunity to be involved with a business with an exceptional compensation plan in addition to unbelievable life-changing products.

  126. Fantastic information Claude, It has great credibility coming from someone who has succeeded on both sides. We are thankful to be involved with Life and Team because of leaders like you. Thanks for all you do!

  127. Claude, This is an incredible article. You have laid out the facts that no one can dispute. Thank you.

  128. I don’t really know what those Amway folks try to sell, can only imagine what they did to make you want to leave such a successful business, but I do know that their loss is my gain as well as thousands of other members of team (eventually, inevitably millions)

    Although I must admit that I could’ve never imagined that a home based business was in my cards, it wasn’t difficult to recognize the potential Kaizan was offering me through the Team system. The product simply being a better you (in my case, a better me). An honorable product indeed, something I certainly don’t mind learning to promote, and likely one of the main reasons why you left whatever it was you were selling at Amway. In the end, it makes no difference how much money we have, the only thing we could ever possibly be able to bring with us, is our honor.

    *Deach bows* keep up the great work, and thanks

  129. […] Claude Hamilton introduced me to community building almost 10 years ago, and in that time frame we have flowed a variety of products and services through a couple different compensation plans. Claude has built all of them to extremely successful levels and I was able to build them to the top of the chart or to job optional income with Claude’s mentor-ship. […]

  130. Nothing against Amway, but things change and get better. Life Business is what I feel, is a fresh example of what any future business foundation should be founded upon. Character and service to others.

  131. Great Post Claude!! Really appreciate the time and effort to getting TRUTH out in the open. What an opportunity we have with LIFE! Kudos to the PC for launching and moving the ball forward fast with LIFE – GAME ON!!

  132. Don’t you think it’s funny that almost everyone who comments on your blog does so using their real name? refreshing to actually know who is talking!!!

  133. Our friendships have been a wonderful reward for being in this business. We have built friends that we know we can trust and will be friends with for years. These friendships developed really easily.

  134. I love that when I read your blog, or any other blogs from the founders of LIFE, we actually know who is writing it. Thanks for your transparency. Thank you for setting the record straight and not being afraid too.

    Shine On,

  135. Awesome post Claude!!! Thanks for all you do. I appreciate your perspective on the facts. I loved your closing remark,

    “May the best company win by serving its’ customers, not by bashing its’ competitors.”

    That is where the rubber meets the road, and I know LIFE will perform!!

    God bless,
    Neal Ruffner
    USA, Michigan

  136. Wow, awesome information. Thanks Claude. Appreciate you taking the time to share these numbers. As always appreciate your leadership.

    Justin Hogan

  137. Awesome comparison, Claude! This just solidifies what we’ve known all along – that we’re in the best business ever! Thanks for everything you and the PC do.

  138. We in Team VIP Phalanx are not part of your direct organization but we highly value yours and Lana’s leadership with Team and LIFE. You both do a great job of communicating principle-driven Truth and many people benefit from the leadership of you both.

    It is amazing to see the growth in people as they intentionally place themselves in this learning environment of LIFE.

    Keep up the good work and we look forward to getting to know you both better as we grow in leadership and our teams.

    Don, Diann Schultz.

  139. Wow Claude, that was a very simple and eye opening breakdown. And I agree, “May the best company win by serving its’ customers, not by bashing its’ competitors.”

  140. This is a great blog by a very intelligent man! Claude has been around this industry and he knows what he’s talking about. I intend to follow in the PC members of LIFE where ever this journey takes us. May the best company win…

  141. […] Claude Hamilton recently wrote a great article on the LIFE Compensation Plan.  Claude & Orrin Woodward were previously successful leaders in a network marketing business in the late 90′s & early 2000′s.  Several years ago both Orrin & Claude along with a few other great leaders had to make a big decision that would severly impact their lives. […]

  142. I spent three years in Amway. There’s no comparison. It goes WAY beyond their flawed compensation program. This business has a heart. The participants from the top down are trying to improve society. Way to go Claude. Keep up the good work!

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